NOAH RDI’S Builder Of the MONTH
Announcing AL Tiny Homes has been selected as NOAH RDI’s June 2020’s Builder of the Month! AL Tiny Homes is located in the Mount Olive area in Alabama. For over 20 years their lead professional, James Brewer, has worked on countless projects and has become one of the most trusted and well-known builders in the area.

James Brewer, AL Tiny Homes
We here at NOAH RDI understand why. It has always been our greatest pleasure to work with James and AL Tiny Homes. Their approach to Tiny Living is only surpassed by the Finished Product they produce. They handle everything from initial concept to delivery and builds are completed in 6-8 weeks! Yes, you heard that right, 6-8 weeks!

So, if you are in the market for a beautiful Tiny Home built with quality and care, consider AL Tiny Homes. To see more Tiny Home Models and learn more about AL Tiny Homes visit their website HERE!
Going Solar?
Going Solar is becoming a main-stream source of power for many living in traditional and alternative housing. The cost-savings and helping to preserve our planets resources are two of the main reasons people are going solar. It is also important to choose a trusted company for the installation. When making major renovation or building decisions, it is vital that you cover all the bases to ensure you are making the right choice. Before starting a bidding war between local solar companies, consider these 10 points:

- Cost
Currently, 45 states offer some type of tax incentive for homeowners opting to go solar, in addition to a 30 percent federal tax credit. With the falling prices of the hardware needed, a 5-kilowatt-hour system will cost less than $10,000.
- Does it matter where I live?
In the United States, the average household uses 900 kwh of energy a month. A 5-kwh system exposed to just four hours of sunlight a day will produce 600 kwh of energy per month. In most areas, rooftop panels will receive more than four hours of sunlight a day and thus produce more energy.
- Do I need a new roof?
Unless you currently need roof replacement soon, the answer is no. The only thing to consider is whether the warranty will be voided if you install panels. Coordinate between the company that installed your roof and the one you hired for the solar panels to determine how to preserve the warranty.
- Will solar power be my only source of electricity?
If you choose an on-grid solar panel system, no. As the most popular option, an on-grid system is connected to your city’s electricity grid to ensure a continuous source of power, even when your panels are not producing energy.
- What happens when my panels produce more energy than I need?
In the event of excess energy production, whatever power your home is not using is fed to the city’s grid and you will receive a credit to your utility bill. This is known as net metering. In some areas, you can sell stored power back to your utility company.
- How much will I save?
This answer varies depending on the size of your system and your total energy usage. We all know that the answer is substantial though.
- How long is the warranty?
As a costly initial investment, it stands to reason you would expect a decent warranty period. Most solar panel systems offer a 25-year warranty.
- Is there an alternative to solar panels?
Yes. A growing trend in the solar panel industry is to lease the system when going this route, homeowners pay a monthly fee for the energy produced, which will be significantly lower than the fees paid to your local utility company.
- What if I move?
If you lease solar panels, the contract can simply be transferred to a new location or to the new homeowners. If you bought the system, you could add the cost of the panels to the price of the home or hire a company to transfer the system to your new home. It is very likely that buyers will jump at the chance to buy a home with a solar panel system already installed.
- How important is it that I choose the right installation company?
It is imperative that you choose someone with a lot of experience and good reviews. Incorrect installation can damage your roof and reduce both the production output and lifespan of the panels.
The following is a chart for helping you decipher how much solar you should invest in to accommodate your homes daily usage requirements.
Appliance Consumption Table

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