Stage 4 – Insulation and Dry-in

It is the builder’s responsibility to build to the NOAH standard. These are minimum standards of life safety, construction for temporary or permanent living and energy efficiency. It is the inspector’s responsibility to do his best to “inspect the build” and confirm in his opinion the home appears to meet the minimums. Builders are welcomed and encouraged to exceed the minimums.


The following is what to expect the inspector to look for:

Each inspection begins with a close up of VIN label


Inspection tips for insulation and dry-in.

We will be looking at the house wrap for the walls, window and door sill flashing and roof dry-in in this inspection.

A house wrap is used to cover the sheathing of the exterior of the walls prior to installation of the siding. It is temporarily installed using staples and the siding holds it I place permanently. window flashing widow flashing

The underlayment is used to dry-in the roof. Ice and water shield adhere directly to the sheathing while felt paper and synthetic underlayment are installed with plastic cap roofing nails flashing Grace short video valley flashing

Tyvek or house wrap is no longer needed when using the new zip panel sheathing. flashing window and door

T111 or ½” exterior plywood with batten boards will not require sub sheathing.

Windows U value

Exterior door U value


Insulation check the type of insulation and thickness, R value Insulation Inspection:

Check insulation in floors walls and ceiling and gable ends that are part of the living area. Also seal around windows doors and bottom plates. Foam or seal all penetrations of the bottom and top plates. Check the minimum R value of walls r-13, ceiling r-19, Floors r-13.

Unless you are using spray foam for your ceiling, an air space must be provided at the underside of the roof sheathing to remove any moisture. The ways that I have seen this done to minimize space needed is to have a ½” screened space between the fascia and siding and a ridge vent. The airspace is maintained by 1. Using ridged foam ½ “ less than the thickness of your ceiling joist/rafter, Or installing a foam baffle to the underside of the sheathing to maintain the airspace in the case of fiberglass or other similar insulation.


Make sure the wheels wells are insulated.

Note: Stages 2,3 & 4 can be combined except for insulation, as long as everything can be seen (anchor points, hurricane straps, etc…)  In this case, a separate inspection for insulation will be necessary.